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Terms & Conditions of our Coaching Agreement


FREQUENCY These sessions will be conducted on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis. 

DELIVERY The services will be provided to you by telephone, Zoom or Facebook Messenger (or other electronic medium as agreed by both parties).

INVESTMENT The cost of the coaching series may be fully or partially tax deductible depending on individual circumstances. Please seek your own independent tax advice in this regard. The fee for each session is determined at the time of the agreement and is payable for 1 session in advance. You will be required to pay this fee before the session begins. Payment can be made by Paypal or direct deposit. All prices include GST. When paying session by session, prices are subject to change at my (the coach’s) discretion. When paying in advance, prices are frozen for the duration of your paid coaching sessions.

SERVICES The program consists of a series of structured coaching sessions to improve your life. Coaching may address specific personal projects, business successes, or general conditions in your life or profession. Other coaching services include value clarification, brainstorming, identifying plans of action, examining modes of operating in life, and making empowering requests.

Coaching is not advice, therapy, or counselling. You (the client) agree not to hold me (the coach) or eQ Group Pty Ltd liable for any loss, costs or any conditions incurred by you, caused either directly or indirectly relating to our coaching sessions. Coaching does not hold a money back guarantee. You will not hold me or eQ Group Pty Ltd liable for goals not achieved.

RELATIONSHIP We agree to provide one another with at least 48 hours notice if a session cannot be attended. If notice is not given in this time, the coaching session fee will be payable as though the session was attended. If either of us wish to stop our working relationship before completion of the sessions of this coaching program, we agree to inform each other in writing. If terminated by the client (unless otherwise agreed in writing) the client will pay for the sessions not completed. If terminated by the coach, a refund will be made of all advance payments for unused sessions.

CONFIDENTIALITY You may only use the information given to you during the coaching session for your own personal use. All information provided by you will remain completely confidential.

YOUR POWER Throughout the working relationship, I (the coach) will engage you in direct and personal conversations. You can count on me to be honest and straightforward in asking questions and making requests. You understand that the power of coaching can only be granted by you, and you agree to have a powerful coaching relationship. If the coaching relationship is not working for you as desired, you will tell me what we need to do to return the power to our relationship.